Welcome to Root-Ed


This site offers LIVE help with rooting your Android device as well as help with flashing custom ROMs, Themes and Kernels. To get started you can select the Shoutbox tab and then click "Shoutbox" to begin asking questions. You can see how many users are online so if you ask a question and nobody else is on, it might take a little time to see a response so just check back every few minutes until a LIVE assistant can help out..


We also have a forums tab that allows you to browse for answers, post a question or even something you want to share. Whether it's a ROM or Theme or just a cool MOD.. No Kang's and always give credit where it's due..


How does the new site look?

Love It! (41)

Not Bad (692)

Decent (9)

Blarf! (12)

Total votes: 754


Forums are LIVE now!

02/22/2012 23:17
We now have a forum browser added to our collection. It's not as big as the others but it's a start for us. Plus, we're more about the LIVE help via Shoutmix than forums but we wanted to offer this also. Now, you can browse the forums for some quick answers to your question if the shoutbox isn't...

New changes for Root-Ed

02/19/2012 06:43
There are quite a few new changes coming to Root-ed in the near future. We have a new Android Application available as well as a new look. This site is designed to offer LIVE help with technical issues regarding Android and obtaining root access. More news to come!

App launched

02/10/2012 06:42
We launched our long-awaiting app today. An update to the shoutmix site caused a disturbance in the app so we redid it and made it cleaner! ..   Here's the market link to grab the app...